Today your child received 10 Spellings to learn ready for Friday’s sentence dictation: overlooked, overbalance, overslept, overtired, overthrow, overcook, overreact, overturned, overpaid and overcoat. We recommend 5 minutes every night on EdShed to support your child’s recall and understanding of this week’s words. Please set each other challenges to use the word within conversation during the week.
Every week for Reading your child will have their own reading book chosen from the library to quiz on using Accelerated Reader, and they will receive 6 assignments on Reading Plus to complete (your child will have time in school to access Reading Plus too to ensure they can complete the assignments).
Please remember to access these websites to support your homework journey:

For Maths this week, we would like your child to complete Set B, Test 1 of Reasoning in their CGP booklet. On TTRS please complete a Studio this will provide your child with a Rock Status– I wonder how many Rock Heroes we will achieve! 🙂
Andrew (author of SATs Like a Ninja and experienced Y6 teacher) will be uploading Maths Arithmetic Revision videos every week for the next 16 weeks via his YouTube channel. If you would like to engage in this, please follow the link to register: This week is Week 2: Decimal Addition and Subtraction.

For English this week, we would like your child to complete Set B, Test 1 in their Reading and GPS CGP booklet.
Just a reminder to parents, each test is designed to be completed in 10 minutes. During homework club, your child will be advised to stick to these timings to support them with their speed; they will also have access to support from a range of staff supporting. We look forward to seeing you all again this week 🙂