A super busy week in school! We have further immersed ourselves into our new topic Tomb Raiders. During our Guided Reading session we explored a non-chronological report on hieroglyphs. We created our own Rosetta Stone using this Ancient Egyptian style of writing.
Please see the attached file for all of the different learning which will take place over the coming weeks.

In English we have continued our new English unit (narrative writing) based on the short film, Alma. You can watch the film HERE. The children have worked hard this week planning their own ideas and being imaginative by planning their own ending to the story.
In Maths this week, we have continued without Multiplication and Division learning. The children have applied their knowledge from last week of the grid method to practising to written method of short multiplication. They have tried super hard to progress to multiplying 3 digits by 2 digits and will continue this next week.
Art – To finish our week we explored cartouches and the reason they existed during ancient Egyptian times. We stained our paper using teabags to make them look ancient. Afterwards, we sketched our name in hieroglyphs and added detail in the form of a border. It looks super effective!
PE days – Tuesday (Indoor) Mighty Warriors Yoga and Thursday (outdoor) Hockey. Please remember that PE kit and any non-black trainers are only to be worn on these days. Please ensure that any earrings (small studs) are removed or are able to be removed on PE days. Thank you.
Super Readers – Well done to Ava, Isha, Leia, Luna, Mason, Peyton, Riley, Subhan, Toyah, Zara, Edith, Jemima, Grace, Hizar, Leo, Alex, Shanaya G, Amber, Dayton, Elizabeth, Hazel, Jack and Nancy for reading at home 3 times, this week.
Multiplication Masters – for scoring 20/20 on our multiplication quiz this week we congratulate: Skyla, Bailey, Hazel, Lewis, Alex, Chloe, Elissia, Hizar, Musa, Zara, Leo, Shanaya N, Aston, Elizabeth, Ruben, Nancy and Ava!
Spectacular Spellers – Well done to Isabelle W, Musa A, Harry, Rumaysaa, Chloe, Alex, Luna and Hizar for full marks on their spelling test this weel, 10/10 fab!
Enjoy your weekend from Team 5!