Week 6 (a very busy week 6) is complete!
In English we have continued to learn about the subject in a sentence and its relationship to the verb. We have also begun to identify what makes an independent clause and whether any extra words in the sentence belong to the first or second independent clause. Our English homework this week, looks at this a little more.

During our reading sessions we have immersed ourselves in the story ‘The Invisible’. We listened to the author, Tom Percival, read the story to us and then give us a tutorial on how to draw the main character (Isabel) in the story. You can watch it again HERE. Its a beautiful story all about how we sometimes take things for granted and we should give a little more help to others – whose struggles may not be easily seen.
In Maths this week, we started to work on our understanding of multiplication and division. We have looked closely at the concepts of Multiples, Factors and Prime Numbers. If you would like a little more help with this, then check out the homework page this week. You can always find out more on the BBC bitesize website HERE.
We have continued to explore the life of Henry Bolckow in History, and his impact on the modernisation and development of Middlesbrough. We have continued creating a fact poster all about him, his life and his achievements.
We’re all looking forward to our visit to Acklam Hall next Wednesday morning. Just a reminder, no permission slips or special packed lunches are needed. The children do need to make sure they have a warm, waterproof coat though 🙂
The final week (22nd and 23rd) will be parent

Congratulations to our Pupils Of The Week!
In 2DJ – Shanaya N, for wonderful effort and progress in reading both independently and in class.
In 2HS – Grace, for outstanding effort in reading a t home and superb quizzing scores.

In 2DJ – Ruben, for being in school, on time, everyday this week!
In 2HS – Edith, for improved attendance and excellent punctuality.
Multiplication Quiz

For Scoring a whopping 20/20 in their Times Tables Quiz this week, lets congratulate:
Grace, Leia, Rayan, Nancy, Esmae, Shanaya G, Subhan, Hizar, Iosif, Luna and Ellisia,
Eager Readers!

A huge congratulations to Chloe, Bella, Jack, Rayan, Shanaya N, Ava, Georgie, Mason, Isha, Peyton, Jemima, Layla, Saffron, Subhan, Zara, Leia, Leo and Luna.
A special mention to Shanaya G, Edith, Grace, Hizar, Riley and Toyah for reading 5 times!!
Spelling Star

Fifth spelling test of the year ( ____tial / ____cial / ___sial ) and a fantastic effort from all!
With an astounding 10/10, a huge well done to:
Isha, Subhan, Hizar and Luna
Happy Birthday!

There are no birthdays in Year 5 this week , however we wish all the other children with birthdays a fantastic birthday!