We have had a fantastic week back in school! 2DJ and 2HS have settled beautifully back into school routines, worn the correct uniform and we have set great examples to our fellow peers.
In English this week we have thoroughly enjoyed reflecting upon our previous years learning. We have identified our strengths and set ourselves some targets for the year ahead. In doing so, we have created enticing welcome pages for our Creative Curriculum books to welcome all potential readers. On Monday we have the honour of publishing these into our intriguing books ready for the year ahead.
In Maths we have begun our sessions with Roman Numerals. Our prior knowledge was impressive and we have been able to build upon that by exploring Roman Numerals further to 1000. Our Maths homework this week is also based on this strand to help us consolidate our learning. Furthermore, we have also begun our Place Value journey by exploring numbers to 10,000 and then 100,000.
This week has saw the introduction of our termly topic: A Changing Town! Already we have immersed ourselves in the history of Middlesbrough dating back to the early 1800’s. We were amazed to find out that Middlesbrough used to be a small rural farm with a population of only 25 people before the steel industry boomed. We are super excited to learn more about the town where we live!
Why not have a go at the Kahoot Quiz all about our topic?! Click the link and play.

Congratulations to our Pupils Of The Week!
In 2DJ – Iosif for settling in brilliantly to Newham Bridge and really engaging with his work.
In 2HS – Shahzaib for a super start to joining Newham Bridge Primary School and showing great enthusiasm in his Maths lessons.
Multiplication Quiz

For Scoring a whopping 20/20 in their Times Tables Quiz this week, lets congratulate:
Ava, Ruben, Aston, Nancy, Esmae, Rumaysaa, Rayan, Hizar, Isabelle, Edith, Lewis, Ellisia, Leo, Iosif, Shanaya G, Chloe and Alex.
Happy Birthday!

Esmae celebrated her birthday this week!
We hope you have had a fantastic day celebrating 🙂