
Homework Week Beginning 30.09.2024

Today your child received 10 Spellings to learn ready for Friday’s sentence dictation: achieve, bargain, controversy, disastrous, foreign, interfere, nuisance, programme, secretary, temperature. We recommend 5 minutes every night on EdShed to support your child’s recall and understanding of this week’s words. Please set each other challenges to use the word within conversation during the week.

Every week for Reading your child will have their own reading book chosen from the library to quiz on using Accelerated Reader, and they will receive 6 assignments on Reading Plus to complete (your child will have time in school to access Reading Plus too to ensure they can complete the assignments).

For Maths this week, we would like your child to revisit their four operations (additionsubtractionmultiplication and division) knowledge at home using tasks similar to the ones we have completed in class this last week to further enhance their confidence. Your child has a paper copy of these tasks below, the links will take you to a video for support. On TTRS please complete a Gig this will test you on 100 multiplication questions – I wonder how you will do, good luck 🙂

Finally, for English this week, we have our second competition of the year. The BBC have launched their exciting 500 word story competition! They want children to have fun writing their stories, be as creative as they can and make them laugh, cry or just be blown away by what they are reading. Children are encouraged to write a story they would love to read themselves. The only criteria is 500 words maximum to be written, watch the top tips video on the weblink by clicking on the images below.

We had an amazing turn out at Homework Club last week and we look forward to welcoming them all again this week 3.20-4pm.

Just a reminder to parents/carers your child is allowed to bring a snack e.g. piece of fruit, packet of crisps, cereal bar or biscuit (please do not pack anything containing nuts). We look forward to welcoming your child to the club for time to access resources and seek advice and support with their homework 🙂

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