

Homework-18th November 2022

This week, the children will be completing the assignments set for them on Spelling Shed. Miss Vanderson’s and Mrs Rooney’s spellers will be doing words ending in -cial and -tial. Miss Howard’s group will be completing the spellings named ‘Challenge Words’. We will be checking points!! See how many you can collect!

Spellings- 14th November 2022

Maths Homework 17th November

This week we are asking the children to practice their rapid recall of multiplication and division facts using TTRockstars. Please complete at least three soundchecks and participate in the Battle of the Bands between 2BV and 2CR. We will be checking points!! See how many you can collect!

Homework- 10th November 2022

This is your English homework for this week! Complete in your English homework book and return by 14th November please!

Miss Vanderson and Mrs Rooney’s groups Maths home work due in 14th November.

Miss Howard’s group Maths homework due in 14th November.

Spellings- 7th November 2022

Miss Vanderson and Mrs Rooney Spellings

1- Circumstantial

2- confidential

3- essential


5- influential




9- substantial


Miss Howards Spellings

1- adventure

2- future


4- nature


6- furniture


8- sculpture

9- fracture


Homework- 3rd November 2022

This is your English homework for this week. Copy the sentences into your book. Complete and return on the 7th November 2022.

This is your maths homework if are in Miss Vanderson or Mrs Rooney’s group. Complete and return on the 7th November 2022.

This is your maths homework if you are in Miss Howard’s group. Complete and return on the 7th November 2022.

Spellings- 31st October 2022

Spellings (1)  31.10.22


1. official

2. special

3. artificial 

4. crucial

5. judicial

6. beneficial

7. facial

8. glacial

9. especially

10. multiracial

Spellings  (2) 31.10.22


1. measure

2. treasure

3. pleasure

4. enclosure

5. pressure

6. composure

7. leisure

8. exposure

9. closure

10. disclosure

Miss Vanderson’s and Mrs Rooney’s groups spellings are spellings 1. Miss Howard’s groups spellings are spellings 2.

English Homework- 20th October 2022

This is your English homework to do over the holidays, write whether each sentence uses apostrophes to show possession or contraction. Please return on the 31/10/22.

Maths Homework- 20th October 2022

If you are with Miss Howard for Maths this is your math homework. Write the question in your book, remember one number each square, and it needs to be returned by the 31/10/22 please!

If you are with Miss Vanderson or Mrs Rooney for Maths, this is your homework! Make sure you show your working out in your maths book! We want to see how you got your answer!! Remember to read the question carefully as there might be more than one step! Please return 31/10/22

View Previous Updates

Spellings 21.10.24Homework – Aut 1 wk 7 (Due WED 23.10.24)Spellings 14.10.24Homework Aut 1 wk 6Spellings 7.10.24Autumn 1 Week 5 HomeworkSpellings 30.09.24Autumn Homework – Week 4Spellings 23.09.24Year 5 Homework – Autumn 1 Week 3SpellingsYear 5 Homework – Autumn 1 week 2Y5 Homework – Autumn 1 Week 1Spellings 1/07/2024Homework 27.6.24Spellings 17.6.2024Homework 6.6.24Spellings 3/6/2024Spellings 20.5.24Homework 16.5.24Spellings 13.5.24Homework 9.5.24Spellings 6.5.24Homework 2.5.24Spellings 29.4.24Homework 25.4.24Spellings 22.4.24Homework 18.4.24Spellings 15.4.24Homework 12.4.24Homework 8.4.24Homework 21.3. 24Spellings 18/03/2024Homework 14.3.24Spellings-11th March 2024Homework 22.2.24Spellings 19/02/2024Homework 7.2.24Spellings 5.2.24HomeworkSpellings 29.1.24Homework 25/1/2024Spellings 22.1.24Homework 18.1.24Spellings 15.1.24Homework 11.1.24Spellings 8.1.24Homework 14.12.23Spellings 11/12/23Homework 7.12.23Spellings 4.11.23Home work 30.11.23Spellings 27/11/23Homework 23/11/23Spellings 20/11/23Homework 16/11/23Homework 9.11.23Spellings 7th NovemberHomeworkSpellings 16.10.23HomeworkSpellings 9.10.23HomeworkSpellings 2.10.23HomeworkSpellings 25.9.23Homework 21.9.23Spellings 18.9.23Homework 14.9.23Spellings 11.9.23Spellings 5.9.23Homework 6.7.23Spellings 04/07/2023Homework 29.6.23Spellings 26/6/23Homework 22/6/23Spellings 19/6/23Homework 8.6.23Spellings 5/6/2023Spellings 22/5/23Homework 18.5.23Spellings 15/5/23Homework 11/5/2023Spellings 9.5.23Homework 4/5/23Homework 27/04/2022Spellings 24.4.23Homework 20th MarchSpellings 17.4.23Homework- 30th March 202327th March 2023Homework 23.3.23Spellings 21/03/2023Homework 16.3.23Homework 9.3.23Homework 02.03.23Spellings 27.02.2023Homework 16.02.2023Spelling 13.2.23Homework 9.2.23Spellings 6.2.23Homework 2.2.23Spellings 30.1.23Homework 26.1.2023Spellings 23.1.23Homework 19.1.23Spellings 16.1.23Homework 12.1.23Spellings 9.1.23Spellings 5/12/2022Homework 1.12.2022Spellings 28/11/2022Homework- 24th November 2022

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