We have had another wonderful week in KS1. We have been thinking about respect, what it means to be respectful and how we can show respect. Our children are very good at showing respect and being respectful. We’re so proud of them all.
In Maths, 1TS have been accurate counting to 10 and how to represent numbers to 10 in different ways. 1MG and 1AC have been recognising tens and ones and partitioning numbers to 100.
In English, 1TS have been practising their capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and applying them in simple sentences. 1MG and 1AC have been focusing on common and proper nouns, verbs and reading poetry.
In Topic, 1TS have focused on seasonal changes, exploring the changes of each season and decorated their seasonal tree for the display. 1MG and 1AC have been looking at seasonal changes and exploring the length of daylight hours during each season. The children also enjoyed making a weather wheel using their fantastic knowledge of the seasons.
This week your child will be arriving home with a letter all about Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRF) in Maths. KIRFs are facts your child needs to be able to recall with speed and accuracy. Each letter will explain the objective your child is working on for the half term; it will give you an example of a task your child will do in school, vocabulary and home learning ideas. We suggest working with your child little and often at home to help them recall these facts to support mental maths work in school.
Pupil of the Week
Pupil of the week in 1TS is Rohaan for having excellent listening skills and wonderful behaviour.
Pupil of the week in 1AC is Lincoln for having a wonderful attitude to learning and being a brilliant role model.
Pupil of the week in 1MG is Rosie for being a fantastic friend and lovely role model.
Our attendance winners this week are….
1TS Ezra
1MG River
1AC Nella
Well done! We’re so proud of you all. We hope you enjoyed going first for lunch.
There are no birthdays to celebrate in KS1 this week.