
Key stage one- 31st January

The children have had a wonderful time this week and the they have tried incredibly hard all week.

In Maths, 1TS have been identifying how to make 10 in different ways. Then progressing onto making numbers 11 to 15 and understanding that the number is made up of one group of 10 and the extra ones.

1MG and 1AC have been starting to learn about multiplication and how there needs to be equal groups to calculate multiplication questions.

In English, 1TS have been independently punctuating single-clause sentences. Then progressing onto identifying the leftovers in a sentence.

1MG and 1AC have been writing a letter, pretending to be Captain Cook, writing home about his discovery of Australia. In our Reading Immersion sessions, the children read ‘The Great Chocolate Room’. The children then designed their own golden ticket to enter the chocolate factory and made a tasty chocolate treat. The children had a wonderful time!

In History, 1MG and1AC have been learning all about a local, famous explorer, Captain James Cook. We have explored life on board the HMS Endeavor and equipment that would have been used.

ITS have been exploring the countries that Captain James Cook visited on his voyages.


Your child has been given an invitation to our Number Day Calculation Event. This event will be on Friday 7th February at 9am. Please could you complete the invitation and return it to school.

Thank you for your continued support.


Pupil of the week

Pupil of the week in 1TS is Navarah for for believing in herself and 100% effort in everything this week.

Pupil of the week in 1AC is Edward for his self encouragement and attitude to trying hard in maths.

Pupil of the week in 1MG is kaileb for settling in so well and always trying hard.


Our attendance winners this week are….

1TS – Noah

1MG – Mila

1AC – Leven

Well done! We’re so proud of you all. We hope you enjoyed going first for lunch.


We would like to wish Noah and Jack a happy birthday, we hope you had a wonderful time celebrating.

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