We have had another wonderful and busy week in KS1 this week!
In Maths, 1TS started the week consolidating their knowledge of comparing objects and numbers with the inequality symbols.
1MG and 1AC, we have been consolidating number bonds to 20. We have also been learning how to add and subtract numbers within 100.
In English, 1TS have been exploring different texts linked to their class author of Julia Donaldson.
1MG and 1AC, we have been learning about left overs in single-clause sentence and how we include a range of pronouns to stop repetition.
We have also enjoyed learning about our new texts in our Reading Emersion lessons. In 1TS, we have explored Paper Dolls by Julia Donaldson. In 1MG and 1AC, we explored a poem all about lightening. We then created our own lightening with different instruments.

Your child has received a letter all about Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRF) in Maths. KIRFs are facts your child needs to be able to recall with speed and accuracy. Each letter will explain the objective your child is working on for the half term; it will give you an example of a task your child will do in school, vocabulary and home learning ideas. We suggest working with your child little and often at home to help them recall these facts to support mental maths work in school.

Pupil of the week

Pupil of the week in 1TS is Arthur for always trying his best.
Pupil of the week in 1AC is Joseph for always being a super sensible role model.
Pupil of the week in 1MG is Daniel for his determined attitude to his work.
Our attendance winners this week are….
1TS Elliot
1MG Noah
1AC Mahmoud
Well done! We’re so proud of you all. We hope you enjoyed going first for lunch.

We would like to wish Emmie-Rose a very happy birthday! We hope you had a lovely time celebrating!