
Autumn 2- Week One

We have had an amazing first week back, the children have came to school with a great attitude to learning and are working hard, especially within maths. In English, we have came to the end of our place value of punctuation and grammar and we will be starting our new writing topic next week, Polar Explorers. Below will be some information about our new topic that you can share with your children to give them an insight into what they will be learning about.

In maths the children have been focusing on finding a common denominator or numerator to order fractions. Today we looked at adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators. They have been very positive and worked extremely hard to achieve their learning objectives.

Next week some children will be chosen to read and practise nursery rhymes with the children, please can they practise the following at home just in preparation!

Twinkle Twinkle

Old Macdonald Wednesday

The Big Ship Sails

Incy Wincy Spider

Five Currant Buns

Congratulations to our pupils of the week!

  • Heidi in 2KT for taking pride in everything she does: learning, presentation, school responsibilities, school council and her friendships.
  • Ray in 2BV for taking great pride in his beautiful art work.

Congratulations to our attendance champions!

  • Cruz in 2KT for his punctuality and hardworking attitude towards learning every day! 
  • Lily-Rose in 2BV for always being in school on time and being ready to learn!

Congratulations to those who achieved 18 out of 18 in their multiplication and division test!

  • Amr, Oscar, Ray, Charlie, Amina, Zach, Gag, Laila, Lexie, Kiziah, Layla, Cruz, Pearl, Ahmed, Emmie, Aishah, and Harry.

Congratulations to those children who achieved 10 out of 10 in our spelling test this week!

Lily, Lilly, Kiziah, Ray, Oliver, Poppy, Aaliyah.

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