A few quick reminders! Please make sure you are booked in for parents evening on the 22nd of October. You can use the link below.
What another fantastic week!
In English this week we have continued our place value of punctuation and grammar. We have identified subjects and verbs in an independent clause and identified them within a paragraph with no punctuation! The children worked hard as recognising when a comma or a full stop would be needed and explaining why.
In maths this week we have looked at multi-step problems and how we would tackle them. We have looked at the use of BIDMAS too. Please keep encouraging the use of Times Table Rockstars! In science we have continued our work of studying the heart. The children have been extremely engaged in the lessons and have loved discovering their pulse and working out their bpm!

We have finalised our poppy art work and displayed some of them. They were beautiful and the children worked really hard to use different mediums.
Pupils of the week!

Congratulations to our pupils of the week! 🙂
- Oscar in 2BV for his amazing contributions to group discussions in all lessons
- Amr in 2KT for making 3 level gains on Reading Plus already! His determination to improve is inspirational
Attendance Champions!

Congratulations to our attendance champions!
- Ahmed in 2KT for starting every day with a smile.
- Layla H in 2BV for her improvement in punctuality this week.
Super spellers!

Congratulations to those children who achieved 10 out of 10 in our spelling test this week!
- Aishah, Willow, Amina, Heidi, Olivia, Lily-Rose, Leon, Layla, Muhammed, Kiziah, Daisy, Pearl and Oliver.
Times Tables Legends!

Congratulations to those children who achieved 18 out of 18 in their spelling test.
- Amr, Oscar, Olivia, Leon, Gag, Laila, Lexie, Kiziah, Heidi, Pearl, Ahmed, Lily, Ava and Aishah.