We have finally made the final week of the first Autumn term and wow, it has been amazing! We would like to congratulate all the nursery children on how they have had a spectacular first Autumn term, interacting with new friends and enjoyed the different activities. This week, we have had a spooky week, making bubble print cauldron pictures, making wands, using their fine motor skills picking up bugs and drawing pumpkins. The children also enjoyed listening to the story ‘Going on a pumpkin hunt!’ and hunting for the pumpkins around the classroom.
The children enjoyed making Incy Wincy Spider biscuits too and they were delicious! Thank you to all the parents and carers who have supported their child this term, it has been lovely having little chats at the door and welcoming you in the nursery for Come and Read.
Spooky Activities
Bubble print cauldrons
Autumn Display
Stars of the Week
Well Done Albie (morning) who has received the ‘Star of the Week’ certificate, for settling back into nursery this term and exploring all the areas. A great start Albie!
Well Done Lindey -Lou (afternoon) who has received the ‘Star of the Week’ certificate, for having a super term, listening to instructions and enjoying the different areas. Well done Lindey-Lou!
Mrs Hilton and Mrs Bell are very proud of you all! Remember the Golden rules in nursery:
Happy Birthday
Wishing Harper and Miles this week for their 4th Birthdays. Hope you had fantastic parties!
Have a Special, Spooky week this week everyone! Happy Half term!