It has been a lovely week this week in nursery though the weather hasn’t. We have been focusing on ‘Seeds and Flowers’. We started the week, understanding what can grow from a seed. We looked at different sized seeds and talked about the fruits they came from. We enjoyed listened to the story ‘Big yellow Sunflower’ and planted sunflowers. They also explored with different materials and tools to create flowers. Mrs Collins visited the nursery and the children played instruments along with songs. The children also developed some movements to music in PE with Mrs Short.
Spring is here!

Music with Mrs Collins

Planting Sunflowers

Key Notices
This term we have the privilege of having the PE coach – Mrs Short teach the nursery children both morning and afternoon. Therefore, PE this term is on:
Wednesday – Morning
Wednesday – Afternoon
Please can children come in their black joggers or shorts, a white t-shirt, their red jumper or cardigan and trainers or plimsols. This term, the children are learning dance so they will be taking off their socks and shoes. They will be encouraged to put them back on independently.

RED NOSE DAY- 21st March 2025 – Dress up ‘Blast of the Past’
Children can dress up in bright clothes – Retro. bright clothes
Attendance and Punctuality
Firstly I would like to thankyou, we haven’t had that many lates this week. Please keep this up, making sure your child arrives at nursery between the time slots.
It is important that your child arrives in nursery on time, so that they are settled and are ready for the register and input.
Morning door open 8.30am-8.45am – Nursery register/input starts 8.45am
Afternoon door opens 12.15pm-12.30pm – Nursery register / input starts 12.30pm
Minutes late = Minutes lost
An Important message

Please can mobile phones be switched off when collecting your child from nursery and also while waiting to collect your child, there should be no smoking / vaping on the school premises. Thank you!


We are continuing with supporting your child with their toothbrushing. They will be brushing their teeth in nursery everyday.
Please can we have your support – still brush their teeth on a morning but also their water bottles should only contain WATER. We do not allow children to bring flavoured water or orange juice as these contain SUGAR!
Stars of Tidying up

Dottie (morning) and Lottie (afternoon) have been chosen this week because they have done some super tidying up this week in their areas. Well Done and Thank you for being great helpers!

Well Done Kate (morning) who has received the ‘Star of the Week’ certificate, for being a star in her phonics group this week. Super effort!
Well Done Nolan (afternoon) who has received the ‘Star of the Week’ certificate, for coming back to nursery after being unwell and having a go in all the areas.
Mrs Hilton and Mrs Bell are very proud of you all! Remember the Golden rules in nursery:

Have a lovely Weekend everyone!