This week has been an extremely busy week. We have been busy finishing off lots of our topic work by observing weather patterns throughout the week. On Wednesday, we thoroughly enjoyed taking part in our class assemblies. The children were absolute superstars and sang and spoke clearly and confidently. Thank you to all of the grown-ups who attended. It was lovely to see you! On Thursday, we had our third and final Young Readers Event. The children had a fantastic time making their own delicious pizzas with our fabulous cook Kate. They then enjoyed eating the yummy pizzas and all of the children enjoyed choosing a brand new book to keep. It was an amazing day! We then finished our week dressed in the colours red, white and blue to support England in the Final this weekend. COME ON ENGLAND!!!
Dates and Notices
Next week, (w/c 15th July), we are having an Olympic week in school. The children will be taking part in lots of fun, sporting activities throughout the week. Please could we ask that children to come to school wearing their correct PE kit every day next week– plain white t-shirt, plain black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms and their red school jumper. Thank you for your support!
On Monday 15th July, there will be an opportunity for parents and carers to come into school for a welcome meeting. This is an opportunity to meet and greet new class teachers and to hear some key information ready for next year. The welcome meeting times are:
Monday 15th July at 2.45pm- The children who are moving into Year 4 next year.
Monday 15th July at 3.20pm- The children who are moving into Year 5 next year.
Pupils of the week

A big well done to our Pupils of the Week in Y3/4 this week.
In 2HH, a big well done to Isabelle W for her mature attitude and for being kind to others. Well done!
In 2SS, a big well done to Scarlett! Scarlett demonstrated excellent sewing skills when making her very own book mark. She also did a brilliant job of supporting some less confident sewers. Well done!
In 2BH, a huge well done to Clayton for his wonderful singing and enthusiasm during the Year 3 class assembly. Well done!

We would like to wish Zara a huge happy birthday. We hope you had the best day!