We have had another great week in KS1!
In English, KS1 have been writing a detailed recount about our ‘Great Fire of London Day’. We placed the events in the correct order and described the activities we did using exciting adjectives.
In Maths, 1TS and 1HL have been applying our knowledge of Place Value to numbers to 50 using practical equipment to support us.
During our History sessions, we have compared London in 1666 to London now. We discussed the impact of The Great Fire of London and how it changed how we live today. We had a wonderful visit from the very brave Fire Fighters from Cleveland Fire Brigade. They brought their fire engine and we were lucky enough to get to sit inside of it. They also let us squirt water out of the hose! We loved it. We asked them lots of questions about their job and we thanked them for looking after our community.
Easter Raffle
Thankyou yo everyone who purchased tickets for the Easter raffle this week and well done to our lucky winners! We hope you enjoy the delicious eggs!
Parent Consultations
Thank you to everyone who signed up and attended our parent consultations this week. It has been lovely to share your child’s progress and hard work with you.
Summer 1
Take a look at what we will be learning this half term.

Pupil of the Week

1HL – Pupil of the week in 1HL is
1TS – Pupil of the week in 1TS is Eliza for always trying her best in everything she does.
1MG – Pupil of the week in 1MG

A very happy birthday to
Billy, Zara, Tyler, Eloise, Zachary, Charlie, Joey, and Nella
who have had their birthdays this week or will have them during the holidays! We hope you have a wonderful day 🙂
School Value awards- Spring term 2
Year 2
Enjoy – Billy – for thoroughly enjoying our new topic and remembering lots if key facts.
Inspire- Haajirah – for going above and beyond this half term finding out about The Great Fire of London in her own time and sharing her learning with all the class.
Achieve – Mansa – for always trying her very best.
Year 1
Enjoy- Darcey-Mae – for enjoying everything we do in 1HL.
Inspire – Daniel – for being so enthusiastic about our topic and finding out new facts to share with the class!
Achieve- Zachary – for working so hard in 1HL.
Take a look at what we will be learning this half term.