
Class news 9.6.23

Another busy week in Y4. We began the week learning more about rivers as part of our new topic ‘A river’s journey’. We spent some time researching what rivers are, how they begin and famous rivers from around the world. Ask us which is the longest in the World and in the UK. You might be surprised. In maths, we began work on time. Some of us found this really tricky to begin with but we were resilient and have a much better understanding of time now ready to move on next week. In PE, we worked with Mrs Short on Monday and we worked on our long jump technqiue and on Tuesday we developed our cricketing skills. Some of us visited Marton Cricket Club on Wednesday to represent the school at a competition. Mr Grierson and Mrs Horvath were so impressed with your attitude and effort. Well done. This week we also took part in a whole school science experiment thanks to Mrs Hindmarsh and Mr Jackson. Well done to Jacob, whose rocket mouse travelled the furthest. We ended the week with lots of TTRS challenges and began our next art project with Miss Howley.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and enjoy the sunshine.


Well done to our POWs this week.

From 2SB, Lexie is our POW. This week Lexie represented our school at a cricket competition. Throughout the day, she displayed great team spirit. Well done Lexie.

In 2HH, Amina is our POW. Amina is a great role model to others and this week Mrs Horvath was really impressed with her effort in basketball. Well done Amina.

Soundcheck Stars

Next week, we’ll be completing our MTC test. These children really impressed us with their soundcheck this week scoring 25/25.

Jacob, Daisy, Oscar, Ray, Oliver, Charlie and Aaliyah in 2SB.

Aishah, Amr, Finnley, Zach, Willow, Harry, Ahmed, Amina, Isabelle, Ava, Gagandeep, Heidi, Muji and Cruz in 2HH. Super work everyone.

Spelling Stars

Super spelling scores this week from the following children, who scored 10/10. Well done.

Layla, Kiziah, Zheer, Aaliyah, Charlie, Aishah, Amr, Finnley, Willow, Amina, Isabelle, Ava, Scarlett, Gagandeep and Hiedi.

Remarkable Readers

Well done to the following children who have read at least 3 times this week. Doing this really supports their fluency and pace.

Lexie, Rojin, Kiziah, Daisy, Pearl, Zheer, Oliver and Charlie from 2SB.

Laila, Finnley, Zach, Willow, Amina, Layla, Isabelle, Ava, Gagandeep, Cruz and Orion from 2HH.


Happy Birthday to Isabelle and Muji who both celebrated their birthday this week. We hope you had a lovely day.

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