After an extra day to our weekend this week, we began our new learning on Tuesday. We began learning more about fractions and multiplication and division. Some of us found this tricky, but with determination and lots of resilience we were successful in our maths lessons. As part of our english lessons we are reading ‘Escape from Pompeii’ and on Friday we were lucky enough to meet the author and illustrator, Christina Balit. It was great to hear all about how her stories and illustrations are developed. She gave us lots of hints and tips and showed us some of her beautiful illustrations. We definitely gained lots of ideas for our own stories. In PE, we developed our strength and balancing skills in groups. We ended the week with Red Nose Day and in PSHCE, we learnt more about employment and money. It made us think more about how to be responsible and jobs we might like to do in the future. What a busy week!
Have a lovely weekend and to all of your wonderful Mams, Grandmas, Nanas and special women in your life, we hope you have a fantastic Mother’s Day on Sunday and enjoy your creations from school.
Well done to our POWs this week.
In 2SB, it was Kiziah. Kiziah has a fantastic attitude to learning and this
week, she has really supported and encouraged her classmates. Well done!
From 2HH, well done to Heidi who always gives 100% and produced some super
science work this week. Well done!
Super Readers
Well done to the following people who have read at least 3 times this week.
Lily, Leon, Rojin, Kiziah, Pearl, Zheer, Oliver and Charlie from 2SB.
From 2HH, well done to Laila, D’Arcy, Finnley, Ahmed, Amina, Layla,
Isabelle, Ava, Gagandeep and Zach.
Soundcheck Stars
The following people scored an amazing 25/25 this week. Well done to Lily, Leon, Jacob, Lexie, Layla, Oscar, Ray, Oliver, Aaliyah and Charlie in 2SB and Amr, Zach, Ahmed, Willow, Gagandeep and Heidi in 2HH.