Another busy week in Year 4! On Monday we wore odd socks to begin Anti-Bullying week and spent some time on the afternoon discussing different ways we could be kind to our friends and families. Maths has been very varied and we have had groups working on area, addition and subtraction and finally multiplication and division. In English, we finished editing our ‘Dream Giver’ stories, ready to start publishing next week. I wonder if we will have any that are worthy of Mrs Hewitt-Best’s ‘Golden Book’? In PE this week we continued developing our football skills and also picked out teams in our Year 4 World Cup competition. Harry chose England, let’s hope he wins! In Topic we investigated the different instruments which measure weather…we will make some of our own next week. We continued our work on ‘Sound’ in Science and investigated whether sounds can travel through solids, liquids and gases. On Friday we had non-uniform day and made donations to ‘Children in Need’. Keep an eye on our school newsletter next week for the grand total raised!
In 2HH, Heidi was chosen as POW for her fantastic attitude during the Y3/4 athletics trip. Well done!
In 2SB, Mrs Barker chose Rojin for excellent effort and representing the school in athletics. Brilliant!
Reading stars
Well done to the following children who have read at least 3 times this week 🙂
- Aishah
- Amr
- Laila B
- D’Arcy
- Khadija
- Ahmed
- Willow
- Amina
- Layla P
- Isabelle
- Ava
- Scarlett
- Gagandeep
- Muji
- Cruz
- Lily
- Oscar
- Pearl
- Lexie
- Leon
- Oliver
- Rojin
- Aaliyah
- Lilly
- Charlie
- Kiziah
- Daisy
Times Table Stars
Well done to the following children who all scored 10/10 in their times table quiz today which included all tables up to the x11!
- Aishah
- Amr
- Willow
- Isabelle
- Gagandeep
- Lexie
- Layla H
- Lilly
- Kiziah
- Aaliyah