Well it seems like we have blinked and Spring term is over! We have been busy this week in Year 4 and enjoyed seeing so many of you during our face to face Parents Evenings.
We completed our ‘Rocks, Relics and Rumbles’ topic by learning about earthquakes and mountain ranges. In Maths we have continued our work on fractions which was a bit tricky for some of us but we used our metacognition skills and thought about strategies that we had used in the past which would help us. We completed our Science investigation and decided which toothpaste performed the best. In English we finished our ‘Escape to Pompeii’ narratives and published them, we can’t wait for you to read them in the Summer term! We continued with Gymnastics in PE and also found time to enjoy some Easter crafts!
Wishing you a lovely Easter break, we will see you back at school on Monday 17th April for the first day of Summer term. Thank you for your continued support 🙂
A big well done to Amr from 2HH. He has displayed a great attitude in class and gives 100% effort in his tasks. Well done Amr!
In 2SB, well done to Ray who has shown an improved effort towards his reading at home. Keep it up Ray!
Super readers
Well done to the following children who have read at least three times this week.
Laila, D’Arcy, Finnley, Ahmed, Harry, Amina, Layla, Isabelle, Ava, Scarlett, Gagandeep, Heidi, Cruz, Zach, Willow, Lily, Leon, Lexie, Rojin, Lily, Kiziah, Oscar, Ray, Pearl, Zheer, Oliver and Charlie.
Sound check Stars
The following children scored an impressive 25/25 on their TTRS soundcheck today.
Lily, Jacob, Layla, Kiziah, Oscar, Ray, Oliver, Aaliyah, Amr, Laila, Zach, Willow, Ahmed, Isabelle, Gagandeep, Heidi and Muji.
Super Spellers
Amazing spelling scores this week from the following children.
Amr, Laila, Khadija, Ahmed, Willow, Isabelle, Ava, Scarlett, Gagandeep, Heidi, Cruz, Zach, Leon, Jacob, Layla, Kiziah, Ray, Aaliyah and Charlie.
Enjoy, Inspire and Achieve awards
Staff found it difficult to chose only three children for our School Value Awards in Y4 this half term.
Well done to Charlie! He has been chosen to receive this award as he approaches everything with a positive attitude.
Well done to Zach! He was chosen for this award as he produced some truly inspirational homework this half term.
Congratulations Jacob! He has been chosen for the Inspire award as he has made great progress this half term, particularly in writing.
Reading Star
The Reading Star in Y4 this half term is Oliver. He has displayed tremendous effort towards his reading particularly at home. Well done!
Sending Birthday wishes to Lexie and Ava who will be celebrating their special days in the Easter Holidays, have a lovely time girls!