We have ended Autumn 1 with yet another busy week in Year 4. In groups we recorded our ‘Raiders Round up’ which was an overview of everything that we have learned this half term during our topic. Considering it spans over 600 years we did very well to squeeze it into seven weeks! In Maths we have been adding and subtracting 4 digit numbers, using formal written methods. We ended the week in Maths with a Soundcheck on TTRS and also a x7 times table quiz. In PE we enjoyed our final dance lesson and also took part in a basketball class tournament which really tired us out! On Thursday in Science as part of our ‘Electricity’ lessons we made our very own switches and used them to open and close a circuit, Mrs Henwood was very impressed! We worked in groups to create our Longships and spent some time discussing and evaluating the process which will help us make improvements in our next DT activity. We are all more than ready for a restful half term!
Have a happy half term holiday! See you all back at school on Monday 31st October.
In 2SB, Kiziah has impressed Mrs Barker with her excellent attitude. Wonderful news!
In 2HH, Scarlett caught the attention of both Mrs Henwood and Mrs Hindmarsh with her amazing contributions in class and her fantastic effort. Super work!
Reading stars
The following children have read at least three times this week. Keep it up!
Amr, Laila B, D’Arcy, Khadija, Ahmed, Amina, Layla P, Isabelle, Ava, Gagandeep, Heidi, Lexi-Lou, Kiziah Daisy, Oliver, Aaliyah and Charlie.
Times table champions
Well done to the following children who achieved 10/10 in their x7 times table quiz this week!
Amr, Jacob L, Gagandeep, Muji, Leon, Lexi-Lou, Layla H, Kiziah and Aaliyah.
Enjoy, Inspire, Achieve awards
In Celebration assembly this week three children out of each year group were presented with brand new awards which celebrate our school motto: Enjoy, Inspire, Achieve. The children received certificates and a coloured star badge to wear with pride.
Kiziah was chosen for this award for always tackling everything with a big smile and for her positivity.
Ahmed was chosen as the effort he has put into school life and the progress he has made as a result has been truly inspiring!
Ray has made super progress in Maths since joining Year 4. What an achievement!