
Weekly News 16.6.23

Happy Friday! What a busy week we have had in Year 3. We have worked hard on our assessments…a very big well done to all children 🙂

In English we have continued working on our plan for our ‘Roman Soldier’ persuasive poster. In ESPG we looked at speech sentences and made sure we were confident in using the correct punctuation when writing them. In Maths we have finished our work on Money. We have recognised the value of all coins, added and subtracted amounts and found change. It has been tricky but we have worked hard! Our Science this week was timed perfectly as we discussed sun safety. In Topic we worked in groups researching facts about Julius Caesar and created some interesting posters. In PE we used our skills to choreograph a dance to a Disney song.

We have uploaded the homework this week over on the homework page. Your child needs to hand in their completed homework (we will send paper home today to write answers on) by Tuesday.

Thank you for the support in encouraging your children to access Spelling Shed and Times Tables Rock Stars at home. The games on both of these websites will support your child in developing their skills in a fun way 🙂

Have a lovely weekend, please remember to use plenty of sun cream and we will see you on Monday ready for week 3 of our final term!

Binchester Fort Trip

We had a wonderful trip on Thursday and all of the children were complimented on their sensible behaviour, well done Year 3! We spent some time enjoying Roman activities such as mosiac creating, pot washing, dressing up and researching. Outside we took part in a guided tour of the Fort and learned lots of new information about Roman life. We found out the soldiers who lived at Binchester Roman Fort were actually originally from Spain and that they were part of the Calvary unit of the Roman Army. We were so lucky to have a look at the excavation which is on site, it’s amazing to think that there could be whole cities just lying waiting to be rediscovered under our feet! We enjoyed our lunch under a beautiful tree in the shade and then made some clay pots and tiles before getting the bus home.

Have a look through our galleries below to see just how much fun we had!

Pupil of the Week

In 2ZH this week, Shanaya is Pupil of the Week, for great organisation and her attitude towards school life. Well done Shanaya!

In 2NS this week, Shanaya has been chosen as Pupil of the Week as she is always such a great helper. Wonderful!

Reader of the Week

In 2ZH Chloe has been chosen for her great quizzing this week. Keep up the good work!

In 2NS Skyla has been chosen for her amazing reading assessment 🙂 Well done!

Super spellers

Well done to the following children who achieved 10/10 in their spellings this week:

Luna, Musa A, Harry, Layla, Ellisia, Georgie, Hazel, Jemima, Leo, Shanaya, Alex, Rumaysaa, Edith, Isha, Hizar and Isabelle.

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