
Weekly news 14.7.23

It has been a super week this week in Year 3, we started the week off with the Sports Day Event and luckily the rain stayed away for the morning. All the children received an ice lolly and their certificates.

In English, the children completed their diaries of a Roman mosaic maker which were wonderful. Later in the week they worked in pairs to create a poster for the new Year 3s coming up, giving them them many useful tips on how to be an amazing Year 3. Next week we will share those posters and tips with the Y2 children.

In Maths, the children have been completing tasks on time, learning about time duration and also learning some vocabulary on 2D and 3D shapes. We played ‘What am I?’ shape guessing games and had a quiz in teams, showing great teamwork.

In Art, the children really enjoyed creating their artwork on Boudicca. They will be bringing all of the art work they have done this year home next week.

On Thursday the children met their new teachers and new classmates. Today, your child will be bringing home their final monitoring report for this year and the information about their new class for September.

Today was our last day of quizzing in Year 3 and your child will be bringing their reading record home tonight. There is no need to bring reading records back to school next week 🙂

Have a lovely weekend, see you all on Monday for our last 4 days in Year 3!

Pupil of the week

In 2ZH, our Pupil of the Week is Georgie who has been a delightful Year 3. he has been very thoughtful and kind towards his friends. Well done Georgie!

In 2NS, our Pupil of the Week is Dayton who has been great at contributing in class all week. Well done Dayton!

Reader of the week

In 2ZH, our Reader of the Week is Grace for trying her best with her quizzing scores this week. Well done Grace!

In 2NS, our Reader of the Week is Lewis for great effort with reading at home and super quizzing at school. Well done Lewis!

Super Spellers

Well done to these children who have scored an excellent 10 / 10 score in their spellings this week:

Shanaya, Luna, Alex, Isha, Ava, Rumaysaa, Lewis and Isabelle W.

Marvellous Mathematicians

Well done to these children who have scored an excellent 10/10 score with their multiplication and division this week:

Aston, Shaanya, Luna, Leo, Harry, Eva, Bailey, Layla, Esmae, Skyla, Alex, Toyah, Rumaysaa, Amber, Isha and Isabelle W


Wishing Zara and Toyah a Happy Birthday this week. Have a super birthday!

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