The children have had another super week, completing their tasks and enjoying our Stone Age topic! The weather has been dreadful but that hasn’t stopped our amazing Year 3’s coming into school and showing us they are ready to work.
In English, the children have continued writing their character descriptions, adding excellent detail within their sentences and using interesting adjectives.
In Maths, the children have expanded their multiplication and division knowledge by learning how to multiply 2 digit numbers by a 1 digit number.
In Science, we have started our topic on rocks and soils.
In our topic, the children developed a timeline from the Stone Age to when the Romans invaded.
PE Days
This half term, our new PE days are Monday & Thursday.
PE Kit- White T-shirt, red school jumper or cardigan, black leggings/ trousers or shorts and sensible trainers
Pupil of the Week
The Pupil of the Week in 2NS is Lewis, for working hard and trying his best. Well Done!
The Pupil of the Week in 2ZH is Saffron, for sharing her ideas within a small group. Super effort!
Reader of the Week
The Reader of the Week in 2NS is Nancy, for reading regularly at home and for showing her enthusiasm when quizzing.
The Reader of the Week in 2ZH is Leia, for achieving 100% in her quizzes. Super effort!
Super Spellers this Week
The Super Spellers this Week for achieving 10/10 are:
Edith, Ava, Isha, Rumaysaa, Skyla, Lewis, Isabelle, Alex, Hizar, Caesar and Shanaya R
Luna, Musa, Layla , Georgie, Eva, Leo, Shanaya, Ellisia, Grace, Subhan and Chloe
Well Done!
Mathematical Rockstars
The Times Table Stars this Week for achieving 13/13 are:
Isha, Ava, Amber, Isabelle, Hizar and Alex
Musa, Leo, Luna, Ellisia, Ruben, Subhan and Chloe
Well Done!
Sports Award
The Sports Award in 2NS goes to: Rayan and Shanaya R for PASSION, showing their hockey skills that they developed in the lesson. Well Done!
The Sports Award in 2ZH goes to: Ellisia and Chloe for TEAMWORK, working in pairs and helping each other with their hockey skill. Well Done!