
Weekly news 7.03.25

What a busy week we have had this week! The nursery changed into a ‘Bee School’, decorated with busy bees, bunting and filled with activities for the children to enjoy, relating to the book ‘The Bumble Bear’ by Nadia Shireen. At the end of the week, the children were able to dress up like bees or bears. They also found out about facts and tasted some honey and toast. They enjoyed moving around and getting busy like bees! It was also Pancake day this week, so the children enjoyed tasting syrup, chocolate and lemon and sugar. – Yummy! Outside, a book hunt was organised for the children and they had to match the characters with the books.

Delicious Pancakes! The children also watched a video on Cbeebies on how Bees made the honey.

Potato Competition – Winners for Nursery – Freddie (morning) created The Gruffalo and Lottie (afternoon) created a bee from Bumble Bear book. Well done to the winners and those who created a character potato.

Book Hunt

A Book hunt and listening to stories for World Book Week. Nursery had a visit from some Year 6s and also Miss Stainthorpe and Miss Severs came to read them a story.

Busy Bees!

Thank you to all the parents and carers who have supported their children with their costumes for World Book Day. The children enjoyed their day!

Key Notices

PE change for afternoon children

This term we have the privilege of having the PE coach – Mrs Short teach the nursery children both morning and afternoon. Therefore, PE this term is on:

Wednesday – Morning

Wednesday – Afternoon

Please can children come in their black joggers or shorts, a white t-shirt, their red jumper or cardigan and trainers or plimsols. This term, the children are learning dance so they will be taking off their socks and shoes. They will be encouraged to put them back on independently.

Please can we make sure children arrive at nursery between the time slots.

It is important that your child arrives in nursery on time, so that they are settled and are ready for the register and input.

Morning door open 8.30am-8.45am – Nursery register/input starts 8.45am

Afternoon door opens 12.15pm-12.30pm – Nursery register / input starts 12.30pm

Minutes late = Minutes lost

Please can mobile phones be switched off when collecting your child from nursery and also while waiting to collect your child, there should be no smoking / vaping on the school premises. Thank you!

Stars of the Week

Well Done Isabelle (morning) who has received the ‘Star of the Week’ certificate, for settling in nursery this week. Well done Isabelle!

Well Done Lindey-Lou (afternoon) who has received the ‘Star of the Week’ certificate, for playing well with her friends this week and exploring the different areas! Well done Lindey-Lou!

Mrs Hilton and Mrs Bell are very proud of you all! Remember the Golden rules in nursery:

Happy Birthday

Nursery would like to wish a Happy 4th Birthday to Freddie! Have a super weekend!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

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