
Weekly News 24.1.25

Firstly this week, the children had the opportunity to meet different adults who help us in the school, linking with our topic ‘People who help’. They were able to meet the office staff, The Cook, TAs and some teachers and find out about their jobs in school. The children also enjoyed working as Vets in the home area and been learning how to care for their pets, They have been developing their pencil control, drawing different animals. They have also enjoyed learning about how we protect birds, as it is National Birdwatching week. They have understood how we feed and keep them watered in our gardens and enjoyed making bird feeders by threading cheerios on pipe cleaners for their garden and for our nursery yard. Hopefully some birds might come to our window, as we have added a bird feeder to our window. The children created their own binoculars so they could look out for the different garden birds. In maths, the children learnt about positional language – in front, behind, next to, under, over . . . and this was also linked with them using the apparatus in PE. In Understanding the World, the children have been developing their senses with touch. They have enjoyed exploring in the investigation area, feeling inside the different boxes and describing what they feel.

Nursery Rhyme of the Week

Each week, we will be asking the children to learn a new nursery rhyme each week. A booklet has been provided for the new starters to help you sing along with your child but we will also singing other rhymes. This week we will be learning five little firefighters (utube) Makaton

Key notices

It is important that your child arrives in nursery on time, so that they are settled and are ready for the register and input.

Morning door open 8.30am-8.45am – Nursery register/input starts 8.45am

Afternoon door opens 12.15pm-12.30pm – Nursery register / input starts 12.30pm

Minutes late = Minutes lost

Stars of the Week

Well Done Hannah (morning) who has received the ‘Star of the Week’ certificate, for super nursery behaviour.

Well Done Ocean (afternoon) who has received the ‘Star of the Week’ certificate, for always trying to write her name.

Mrs Hilton and Mrs Bell are very proud of you all! Remember the Golden rules in nursery:

Hope you all keep safe from the windy weather and have a lovely weekend!

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