- Log on to TTRS and play any game (Rock Slam, Garage, Soundcheck) to earn points for your year group. The Battle this week is Year 3 Vs Year 4. Which year group will be crowned champions of this tournament?
- Complete the task for your group from below. Inside your homework folder there will be a piece of paper for you to write your answers, please also write your name on your sheet before handing it in. Any questions please ask a member of staff before Tuesday 24th October.
Gold, silver and bronze
In one of our ESPG lessons in September we started to create an Adjective Alphabet. Mrs Matthewman loves to play Adjective Alphabet whenever she comes into our classrooms so your homework this week is to make your own Adjective Alphabet! By doing this you will be ready the next time Mrs Matthewman visits your class to challenge you! Your teachers will be awarding T.I.Ps for the most unusual adjectives 🙂 Include at least one adjective for each letter – challenge yourself to think of more if you wish!
A – amazing, adorable
B – beautiful, brave
C – cute, careless