Another lovely , busy week together in Year 3 and Year 4 having lots of fun whilst we learn. In English we have been learning all about regular and irregular verbs and have continued our work with place value in our Maths lessons. In topic we have looked at the different regions of England and where Middlesbrough is located in the North East of England. In Science, we planned and carried out an investigation into forces and different types of surfaces. In Art we have begun to look at Lucy Pittaway’s work and hope to create our own pieces in her style.
Well done everyone!
Pupil of the week

A big well done to our Pupils of the Week in Y3/4 this week.
2NS-A big congratulations to Kate for being a kind, caring and supportive friend to all. Well done!
2BH- A big congratulations to Rhys for showing kindness to others when helping them using iPads and laptops.
2CR- A big congratulations to Oliver Smith for being kind and helpful to his friends and staff!
Attendance Award

A big well done to our Attendance Award winners in Y3/4 this week.
2NS- Congratulations to Kyon for being at school on time everyday and ready to learn. Well done!
2BH- Congratulations to Annabel for coming to school every day ready to learn!
2CR- Congratulations to Lilly Carlin for being in school every day on time!
Super spellers

Well done to the following children for scoring 10/10 on this weeks spellings:
Times Tables super stars

Well done to the following children for scoring full marks on this weeks times tables test:
2NS- Louie, Zara, Dracie, Mansa, Charlie, Harriet, Kate and Evan.
2BH- Layla, Maria, Judah, Roman, Jasmine, Esther, Shyray, Raania, Helen, Mika, Isla, Otis and Tommy.
2CR- Vincent, Olivia, Isla, Lucas, Oli, Chloe, Marcus, Eveyah, Joey, JJ, Scarlett, Alice, Eddie, Clayton, Ollie, Elsie, Parker