Well done everyone for another excellent week! Your teachers are really proud of your hard work and effort!
In English, we have been learning about the subject in a sentence and identifying when we need to punctuate our sentences with a capital letter and full stop. In Maths, we have started a new block of learning about addition and subtraction and have started to learn some new strategies to help us. Mrs Rooney’s class have enjoyed their first week of swimming. The boys and girls have behaved excellently and Mrs Rooney and Ms Horvath are extremely impressed with their swimming skills. The children in Mrs Henwood and Mrs Savage’s class have enjoyed learning about structures and taking part in a variety of investigations to test the strength of different bridges. Next week, the boys and girls will be making their very own bridge structure. We cannot wait to see the finished pieces!
Dates and Notices
A quick reminder for the Year 4 children in 2CR who will continue to go swimming next week with the final session being on Friday 18th October. Please send them to school every day with an appropriate kit.
Kit should include:
Swimming costume, trunks or shorts.
Goggles (optional).
No jewellery to be warn please. Earrings must be removed.
Pupil of the week

A big well done to our Pupils of the Week in Y3/4 this week.
2NS- A big congratulations to Zara for trying her very best in everything and for always being a superstar learner!
2BH- A big congratulations to Shyray for settling in well to NB and showing a great attitude to learning.
2CR- A big congratulations to Ivarnah for her enthusiasm, enjoyment and hard work at swimming lessons.
Attendance Award

A big well done to our Attendance Award winners in Y3/4 this week.
2NS- Congratulations to Charlie for always being in school on time and ready to learn. Well done!
2BH- Congratulations to Jace for coming to school on time everyday with a huge smile on his face.
2CR- Congratulations to Marcus for being on time and ready for school everyday.
Super Spellers

Well done to the following children for scoring 10/10 on this weeks spellings:
2NS- Charlie!
2BH- Jace, Maria, Roman, Ariana, Jasmine, Esther, Mika and Rhys!
2CR- Vincent, Isla, Lucas, Chloe, Marcus, Olah, JJ, Scarlett, Alice and Ollie!

No birthdays to celebrate this week! Who has a birthday next week?