
Key stage one weekly news 25.10.24

We have had a wonderful and busy final week of the term in KS1!

In Maths, 1TS were identifying what a part whole model is and then progressed to applying it to partition numbers into 2 parts.

1MG and 1AC have been identifying 10 more and 10 less from a given number. We then progressed to adding and subtracting multiples of 10 from a given number.

In English, 1TS have been exploring the author Julia Donaldson. We have been exploring repetition and rhyme. We then retold the story using puppets and we also made Gruffalo masks.

1MG and 1AC have been reviewing subject and verbs. We then identified them in a paragraph and then progressed to punctuating the paragraph correctly.

1MG and 1AC have thoroughly enjoyed our Reading Immersion session this week. We had visitors in our class and they had made a mess of the classrooms. The children had to use clues to identify which Dinosaur had ruined our classroom. We then explored the story “Dinosaurs in my class” which the children really enjoyed.

In Topic, 1TS we have been exploring Human and Physical Features in the local area and consolidating our learning from throughout the term.

1MG and 1AC went on a walk around the school grounds as part of our Geography topic this week. We were identifying Human and Physical Features. We then identified Human and Physical Features on an arial view of our school.


School closes Friday 25th October and reopens Monday 4th November at 8.40 am. We hope you have a fun and safe half term.

Your child has received a letter all about Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRF) in Maths. KIRFs are facts your child needs to be able to recall with speed and accuracy. Each letter will explain the objective your child is working on for the half term; it will give you an example of a task your child will do in school, vocabulary and home learning ideas. We suggest working with your child little and often at home to help them recall these facts to support mental maths work in school.

Pupil of the week

Pupil of the week in 1TS is Arabella for always trying her best and being a fantastic role model to others.

Pupil of the week in 1AC is Reece for a positive week and his enthusiasm during maths.

Pupil of the week in 1MG is Oliver for his determined and resilient attitude.

Inspire, Enjoy and Achieve

Our Inspire, Enjoy and Achieve winners this half term are………..

Year 1

Inspire – Emilia

Enjoy – Nellie

Achieve – William

Year 2

Inspire – Natalia

Enjoy – Jessi-May

Achieve – Ivine

Reading Superstars

Year 1 Reading Superstar is Isaac.

Year 2 Reading Superstar is Jack.

Well done! we’re super proud of you all and keep up the amazing reading.

Our wonderful homework projects

The KS1 team would like to thank you for the support that you have given with the projects, they are all wonderful and the children really enjoyed sharing them with their friends!


Our attendance winners this week are….


1MG – Ava

1AC – Michael

Well done! We’re so proud of you all. We hope you enjoyed going first for lunch.


We would like to wish Nellie and Israel a very happy birthday! We hope you both have a lovely time celebrating!

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