It has been another wonderful week in KS1!
This week the children of 1MG and 1AC have been showing us how amazing they are by completing lots of reading, writing and maths. The children have worked so hard and we’re super proud of you all.
In English, 1TS have been identifying and writing a variety of verbs and then progressed on to identifying regular action verbs and exploring past tense.
In Maths, 1TS have been exploring subtraction. We have also been showing how amazing we are by completing some Maths questions.
In History, 1TS have been learning all about famous people in history and this week we have learnt about Florence Nightingale. We also explored Florence Nightingale during our Now Press Play session. The children loved it!
1MG and 1AC have been exploring significant people in History. This week we have looked at Neil Armstrong. We enjoyed our Now Press Play session about Neil Armstrong.
Pupil of the week
Pupil of the week in 1TS is Noah for trying really hard with his handwriting and science this week.
Pupil of the week in 1AC is Amelia for enjoying all aspects of school life.
Pupil of the week in 1MG is Violet for her determination with her jobs this week.
Our attendance winners this week are….
1TS – Nate
1MG – Annie
1AC – Abbigail
Well done! We’re so proud of you all. We hope you enjoyed going first for lunch.
We have no birthdays this week.