It has been another busy week in KS1!
In Maths, 1TS have been using our knowledge on part-whole models to create some addition number sentences. number bonds to ten and subtraction
1MG and 1AC have been working on subtraction that crosses the tens boundary and comparing number sentences using the inequality symbols.
In English, 1TS have learned all about nouns! We have learned what common nouns and proper nouns are and have sorted them into the correct groups.
1MG and 1AC have been writing a non-chronological report all about the famous nurse, Florence Nightingale. We have been applying our knowledge of sentence structure, to produce some amazing work. In our Reading Immersion sessions this week, we have focused on a poem about paper boats travelling down a river. We then made our own paper boats to race down our very own river.
In History, 1TS have been learning all about chronology and timelines. We have explored the terms ‘within living memory’ and ‘beyond living memory’ and we can show where this is represented on a timeline. We made a whole class timeline using construction blocks and used pictures to represent the passing of time since they were born until now. The children loved it!
1MG and 1AC have been comparing the lives of two famous nurses from history. Using our own knowledge, as well as our research, we compared the impact that these significant individuals had on our society today.
Key Instant Recall Facts
KIRFs are facts your child needs to be able to recall with speed and accuracy. We suggest working with your child little and often at home to help them recall these facts to support mental maths work in school.
Pupil of the week
Pupil of the week in 1TS is Sami for working with increasing independence and always being a kind friend.
Pupil of the week in 1AC is Frankie for his trying his best with his non chronological report and his perseverance with his maths work.
Pupil of the week in 1MG is Liam for his attitude to his work this week.
Inspire, Enjoy and Achieve
Our Inspire, Enjoy and Achieve winners this half term are………..
Year 1
Inspire – Emilia
Enjoy – Nellie
Achieve – William
Year 2
Inspire – Natalia
Enjoy – Jessi-May
Achieve – Ivine
Reading Superstars
Year 1 Reading Superstar is Isaac.
Year 2 Reading Superstar is Jack.
Well done! we’re super proud of you all and keep up the amazing reading.
Our wonderful homework projects
The KS1 team would like to thank you for the support that you have given with the projects, they are all wonderful and the children really enjoyed sharing them with their friends!
Our attendance winners this week are….
1TS –
1MG – Ivine
1AC – Jack
Well done! We’re so proud of you all. We hope you enjoyed going first for lunch.
We would like to wish Ryan a happy birthday, we hope you have a wonderful time celebrating.