The children have had a fantastic time this week and they have tried incredibly hard.
In Maths, 1TS have been comparing numbers using the inequality symbols within 20. They have also been practising their number bonds to 10 and 20.
1MG and 1AC have been consolidating their knowledge of the 2, 5 and 10 times table and division facts.
In English, 1TS have been learning facts about Penguins and then progressed onto writing a non-chronological report.
1MG and 1AC have been writing our set of instructions on how to make a hardtack biscuit. In our Reading Immersion sessions, the children read ‘When a Dragon Moves In’. The children made some super sandcastles and then designed their own creature to live in their sand castle.
In History, 1MG and1AC have continued learning all about a local, famous explorer, Captain James Cook. We have been thinking about why he is an important person in local and global History.
ITS have been exploring what life was like onboard HMS Endeavour and made some hardtack biscuits.

Please note – School will close Friday 21st February and reopen Monday 3rd March 8.40am.
We hope you all have a wonderful half term.
Pupil of the week

Pupil of the week in 1TS is Billy for always trying his best and working independently.
Pupil of the week in 1MG is Harley for fantastic effort, particularly in Maths.
Pupil of the week in 1AC is Theo-George for always helping others, especially the adults with ICT issues.
Inspire, Enjoy and Achieve Awards
Our Inspire, Enjoy and Achieve winners this half term are………..
Year 1
Inspire – Ryan for making a wonderful model of Captain Cook’s ship and inspiring his peer to do the same.
Enjoy – James for thoroughly enjoying our new topic and showing enthusiasm for learning.
Achieve – Deven for making great progress across all areas of the curriculum.
Year 2
Inspire – Mahmoud for his inspiring project homework.
Enjoy – Sonny for his enjoyment of our topic ‘Land Ahoy’
Achieve – Kaileb for his fantastic progress since joining Newham Bridge.
Reading superstars
Year 1 Reading Superstar is Neive.
Year 2 Reading Superstar is Edward.
Well done! we’re super proud of you all and keep up the amazing reading.
Homework Projects
Here are some of our amazing KS1 homework projects. We put them out on display in the hall and the children enjoyed looking at their pieces of work. Well done everyone!

Our attendance winners this week are….
1MG – Layla
1AC – Frankie
Well done! We’re so proud of you all. We hope you enjoyed going first for lunch.

We would like to wish Harley a happy birthday. We hope you have a wonderful time celebrating.