Another week down Year 3 and 4. Well done for your hard work and effort this week.
We have had another busy week again. In English, we continued to learn about different types of nouns, before moving on to verbs. We enjoyed playing games and completing different activities. In Maths, we continued to secure our place value knowledge. We are also learning how to count in a variety of times tables. This week in Science, we discussed our current knowledge about our new topic ‘Forces’. We thought of questions we would like to learn the answers to throughout our Science lessons, and also investigated how different things move when pushed or pulled. Our Year 3 children finished off their week taking part in Pedestrian Training. Well done for being safe when crossing roads!
Well done everyone! Your teachers cannot wait for next week!
Dates and notices
Our PE days this half term are Monday and Wednesday.
Please could we ask that children come to school on these days wearing their correct PE kit– plain white t-shirt, plain black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms and their red school jumper. Earrings need to be covered up or removed for PE lessons.
Pupil of the week
A big well done to our Pupils of the Week in Y3/4 this week.
2NS- Congratulations to Rose for being a superstar learner and always trying her best!
2BH- Congratulations to Haajirah for a great start in Y3!
2CR- Congratulations to JJ for having an excellent attitude towards learning in school and at home!
Attendance Award
A big well done to our Attendance Award winners in Y3/4 this week.
2NS- Congratulations to Maggie for coming to school every day, on time and being ready to learn!
2BH- Congratulations to Raania for coming to school every day, on time and being ready to learn!
2CR- Congratulations to Olivia for coming to school on time everyday with a lovely smile!
Super spellers
Well done to the following children for scoring 10/10 on this weeks spellings:
Khadija, Darcie, Mansa, Charlie, Lily-Ava, Jace, Roman, Ariana, Esther, Pixie, Luca, Chloe, Marcus, Olah, JJ, Scarlett, Alice and Ishaqq!
We would like to wish Nancy, Vincent, Chloe and Mika a huge happy birthday! We hope you have/had an excellent birthday!