The children have had a lovely week this week!
1TS & 1HL have been working hard on our numbers to 20 in Maths. We have been partitioning teen numbers into tens and ones, using practical equipment to support our understanding. In English, we have been learning about instructions. We explored the purpose and key features of instruction texts throughout the week. We then made some delicious fruit kebabs and written a simple set of instructions of how to do this. Our favourite part was eating the fruit kebabs! In Geography, we have been learning about compasses and directions. We labelled a compass with the four main compass points North, South, East and West and then consolidated our learning practically in the classroom.
1MG have been working hard on consolidating our understanding of money in Maths. We have used practical equipment to support our understanding. In English, we have been reading the story ‘Lila and the secret of rain’. We have explored the text and the characters to build our knowledge to write our own retell of the story. In Geography, we have explored daily weather patterns around the UK. We tracked the weather throughout the week to see if it matched the daily weather report. We then used our computing skills to create our own weather report.
Pupil of the Week

1HL – Pupil of the week in 1HL is Jack for being a kind friend and showing patience.
1TS – Pupil of the week in 1TS is Jessi-May for trying her best with her writing and learning lots of new sounds.
1MG – Pupil of the week in 1MG is Hamza for trying really hard to be independent this week.

Happy Birthday to Noah!
We hope you have a wonderful day!
School Value awards- Autumn Term
Year 2
Enjoy – Harriet
Inspire- Lilliana
Achieve – Kyon
Year 1
Enjoy- Lincoln
Inspire- Mila
Achieve- Elliott