In English, we have begun to write our recount letter following the Hansel and Gretel traditional tale. We have learnt that, as with all fairy tales, there are different versions of the story. We hope to use this as a tool to inspire our letter writing to use some of our own imaginative ideas. So far, we have drafted our introduction to entice the reader and inform them why we are writing to them. We have used rhetorical questions, coordinating conjunctions and facts/opinions. After this, we planned our main events ready to write them into our letter after half term. Awesome job everyone!
Maths this week has consisted of diving into the world of decimals and fraction/decimal equivalents. We have worked extremely hard to apply our maths knowledge to this strand and have been super successful. We will continue this work upon the return to school next half term.
During topic we have explored the art of mummification. We used tomatoes and performed our own mummification. We dissected the insides of the tomatoes to prepare them for mummification. Then we placed 3 of our pre prepared tomatoes into 3 different cups. One was submerged in salt, one half covered in salt and the final one had no salt. Finally, we wrapped the cups in cling film acting as the linen wrap of the mummification process. We look forward to seeing the results of our investigation after half term to see which tomato was preserved the best!
In science we used magnets to investigate if different materials were magnetic or not. We found that metal objects were mostly magnetic, but also found out that some objects we assumed would be were actually not magnetic.
P.E. days next half term are Tuesday’s and Friday’s – please wear the correct P.E. kit on these days only.
See you all on Monday 3rd March for our first day back for Spring 2 🙂

Congratulations to Ruben in 2DJ, for excellent engagement and effort in English this week.
Congratulations to Leo in 2HS, for showing great enthusiasm and determination in lessons – a great role model!

Our superstar readers are…for reading at home an amazing 5 times this week… Edith, Riley, Mason and Alex . With 4 reads this week… Ava, Grace, Isha, Leo, Shahzaib, Subhan, Toyah, Grace, and Chloe. With 3 reads this week… Jemima, Aya, Bailey, Hizar, Luna, Musa, Peyton, Amber, Harry, Jack, Nancy, Rayan and Shanaya. Well done to all of you!

Well done for achieving full marks in their spelling test to…
Hizar, Luna, Musa, Subhan, Chloe, Elizabeth, Rumaysaa, Dayton, Iosif, Lewis, Isabelle and Harry.

For achieving full marks on their 12 times table multiplication quiz can we congratulate:
Ruben, Grace, Izzy, Rumaysaa, Leia, Ava, Elizabeth, Harry, Alex, Isabelle, Georgie, Iosif, Edith, Lewis and Musa.