Welcome back to school after half term we hope you all had a nice week. This week in school has been lovely. In school we have been developing our English and Maths skills as well as discovering The Wild Robot in Guided Reading. We have started our new topic Britain is Great by using Google maps to look at land use and settlements around our local area. Our second group of swimmers have been working hard at the pool and we are very proud of them. In school our non swimmers are completing a DT project looking at structures through designing our own towers. Below are the knowledge organisers for our new topic.
Pupils of the week
A big well done to our Pupils of the Week in Y3/4 this week.
2NS-Mansa for always taking pride in her books and work.
2BH- Otis for outstanding effort and behaviour during swimming this week.
2CR- Chloe for taking pride in her work and presentation.
Attendance Award
A big well done to our Attendance Award winners in Y3/4 this week.
2NS- Evan for always being in school, on time and ready to learn. Well done!
2BH- Roman for coming into school every day on time.
2CR-Ollie for coming to school everyday with a smile on his face.
Super Spellers
Well done to the following children for scoring 10/10 on this weeks spellings:
2NS-Zara, Kyon and Charlie.
2BH-Ariana, Otis, Rhys and Luca.
2CR- Isla, Olah, JJ, Scarlett, Ollie and Is’Haaq.
Times Tables super stars
Well done to the following children for scoring full marks on this weeks times tables test:
2NS- Khadija, Dowie, Dracie, Charlie, George, Lily-Ava, Harriet, Freddie and Evan.
2BH-Jace, Maria, Roman, Shyray, Pixie, Raania, Mika, Lilly Mc, Helen, Albie, Otis, Luca and Tommy.
2CR-Olivia, Isla, Freddie, Lucas, Oli, Chloe, Marcus, Olah, JJ, Alice, Millie, Isla-Isobelle, Ollie, Elsie, Is’Haaq and Parker.
TTRS Superstars
Congratulations to the children who have been on at least three times a week for at least 15 minutes. You have earned your rewards!
2NS- Zara, Rose, Maggie and Charlie.
2BH- Layla, Tyler, Maria, Haajirah, Esther, Shyray, Raania and Helen.
2CR- Vincent, Isla B, Lucas, Marcus, Olah, Alice, Millie and Nancy.