We have had an amazing World Book Week in school and the children all looked fantastic in their costumes today. Thank you for all your support with Come and Read, the potato characters and dress up day there are some photos below and on the school’s X account (Twitter).
We have had an amazing time learning all about our authors Hannah Gold and Sam Copeland. The children have created some super work based on them and had the chance to showcase it in assembly. We also wrote an amazing whole school story this week all about space and created our own book covers for the story!

Pupils of the Week

A big well done to our Pupils of the Week in Y3/4 this week.
2NS- Freddie for being really brave when reading a section of a story to the whole school. Well done!
2BH- Everley for making a super effort especially at the music event!
2CR- Eveyah for having an excellent attitude towards her learning all week!
Happy Birthday!

We would like to wish Ethan a huge happy birthday! We hope you had an excellent birthday!