This week the children have been practicing ready for Christingle and Carols around the Christmas Tree and their performances are beautiful. We look forward to seeing parents at Carols around the Christmas tree on Wednesday 11th December at 3.30pm.
In English we published our non- chronological reports and we will be starting a character description next. Mrs Henwood’s and Mrs Rooney’s children have been looking at area in Maths whilst Mrs Savage’s children have continued to look at addition and subtraction.
A polite reminder that PE kit is only to be worn on the days that your child has PE all other days should be full school uniform, thank you for your ongoing support.
Pupils of the Week
A big well done to our Pupils of the Week in Y3/4 this week.
2NS- Evan for always trying his very best in everything that he does. Well done!
2BH- Tyler for having a good attitude to learning!
2CR- Scarlett for excellent English with her non chronological report!
Attendance Awards
A big well done to our Attendance Award winners in Y3/4 this week.
2NS- Elissia for always being in school, on time and ready to learn. Well done!
2BH- Esther for being in school on time everyday!
2CR- Nyolah for coming to school everyday with a smile this week!
TTRS Superstars
Congratulations to the children who have been on TTRS at least three times this week for at least 15 minutes. You have earned your rewards!
2NS- Zara and Rose. Well done!
2BH- Layla and Shyray. Well done!
2CR- Vincent, Isla B, Freddie, Marcus, Scarlett, Alice and Is’Haaq. Well done!