Well done year 3/4 for a brilliant week. This week in school it has been extremely busy! The children have worked their socks off completing a variety of assessments. The teachers are so proud of all of the children for their hard work and effort during assessment week. Well done everyone!
Pupils of the Week
A big well done to our Pupils of the Week in Y3/4 this week.
2NS- Lilliana for her excellent effort and attitude towards her assessments. What a superstar!
2BH- Roman for trying his best and working hard. Well done!
2CR- Olivia for her enjoyment and hard work towards learning. Well done!
Attendance Awards
A big well done to our Attendance Award winners in Y3/4 this week.
2NS- George for always being in school, on time and ready to learn. Well done!
2BH- Isla w for being in school, on time and showing she is always ready to learn. Well done!
2CR- Lilly P for coming to school everyday ready to learn! Well done!
TTRS Superstars
Congratulations to the children who have been on TTRS at least three times this week for at least 15 minutes. You have earned your rewards!
2NS- Zara and Rose. Well done!
2BH- Layla, Haajirah and Shyray. Well done!
2CR- Vincent, Isla B, Freddie, Marcus, JJ, Alice, Oli and Is’Haaq. Well done!