Well done everyone for a fantastic Spring 1 term! You have all been amazing and your teachers are extremely proud of you!
We have had a lovely final week. In English, we wrote a recount letter about our story character and their travels to the Stone Age. We also enjoyed finishing off our ‘Tribal Tales’ topic by making our very own bell beakers out of clay. A lovely end to our half term!
The Year 3/4 team would like to thank all of the grown-ups for your continued support. Thank you for reading at home with your child and supporting them to complete their weekly homework. We hope you have a wonderful half term break and we cannot wait to start our Spring 2 term with our new topic- Amazing Amazon!

Pupils of the Week

A big well done to our Pupils of the Week in Y3/4 this week.
2NS- Darcie for trying really hard with her work and learning and for being extra brave this week. Well done!
2BH- Layla for a great attitude to learning. Well done!
2CR- Freddie for an excellent attitude towards his learning and following the golden rules. Well done!
Attendance Award

A big well done to our Attendance Award winners in Y3/4 this week.
2NS- Harriet for being in school on time and always smiling. Well done!
2BH- Tommy for coming to school each day ready to learn. Well done!
2CR- Nancy B for coming into school on time each day. Well done!
Happy Birthday!

We would like to wish Scarlett, Poppy, Melissa, Willow and Grace a huge happy birthday! We hope you have/had an excellent birthday!