
Class News-17.1.25

Well done for another excellent week Year 3/4! In English, we have been planning our main character, starting setting and time-travelling artefact for our narratives which we will start writing next week. We cannot wait to see the final pieces! In Science, we started a new topic about animals including humans. We explored the names of different bones in a human skeleton and learned some cool facts about our skeleton. We have also enjoyed learning more information about the Stone Age.

Dates and notices

Our PE days this half term are Tuesday and Wednesday.  

Please could we ask that children come to school on these days wearing their correct PE kit– plain white t-shirt, plain black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms and their red school jumper.  Earrings need to be covered up or removed for PE lessons.

Pupils of the week

A big well done to our Pupils of the Week in Y3/4 this week.

2NS- Jack for contributing in class much more confidently. Well done!

2BH- Nancy J for having a super attitude to her work and trying her best. Well done!

2CR- Parker for an excellent week and super effort in class! Well done!

Attendance Awards

A big well done to our Attendance Award winners in Y3/4 this week.

2NS- Bowie for being in school on time and ready to learn. Well done!
2BH- Maria for coming to school on time everyday with a big smile. Well done!

2CR- Vincent for being in school every day on time ready to learn. Well done!

Times Table stars

Well done to the following children for scoring full marks on this weeks times table test:

2NS- Khadija, Rose, Bowie, Charlie, George, Lilliana, Rabia and Elissia!

2BH- Layla, Jace, Shyray, Maria, Roman, Ariana, Esther, Pixie, Everley, Harriet, Raania, Lily M, Helen, Albie, Mika, Otis, Luca and Isla!

2CR- Vincent, Olivia, Isla, Lucas, Chloe, Marcus, Eveyah, Nyolah, Ella, JJ, Alice, Ivarnah, Melissa, Lilly, Millie, Eddie, Clayton, Ollie, Elsie and Is’Haqq, Kendall and Parker!

Super spellers

Well done to the following children for scoring 10/10 on our spelling test this week:

2NS- Khadija, Bowie, Kyon, Darcie, George, Lily and Evan!

2BH- Layla, Jace, Shyray, Maria, Roman, Ariana, Jasmine, Esther, Pixie, Raania, Helen, Mika, Otis and Luca!

2CR- Vincent, Isla, Oli, Chloe, Marcus, Eveyah, JJ, Scarlett, Melissa, Lilly, Millie, Clayton, Ollie and Is’Haqq!


We would like to wish Freddie a huge happy birthday! We hope you have an excellent birthday!

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