

⭐️This week in Reception, we have continued to think about what makes us special. ⭐️ This fit in perfectly as we awarded our half termly awards to the children who demonstrate our school values. Well done to…

Isaac E – for enjoying everything we do in Reception.
Arabella- for inspiring her friends with her fantastic creations, especially in the construction area.
Neveah- for making fantastic progress with her reading and writing.

Thank you to everyone who bought a ticket for the school disco. The children (and teachers) had the best time having a dance and playing party games 🥳.

In RE this week we shared a story about Jesus and a boat. Some of the children then made their own boats in our creative area. Mrs Hewitt-Best was so impressed that she put their names into the Golden Book!

Congratulations to our Pupil of the Week this week, Zofia!

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