
Class News-31.1.25

Another lovely week. Well done to everyone for your hard work and effort this week!

In English, we have continued to write and edit our Stone Age stories. The boys and girls have written their first 2 paragraphs and they are amazing! The teachers cannot wait to read the final paragraph next week! In Science, we have been learning about the purpose of our muscles. In topic, we have enjoyed learning facts about how farming progressed and evolved throughout the different Stone Age periods. Well done, everyone!

Dates and Notices

On Friday 7th February, there is an opportunity for parents to come into school from 2.30pm until 3.00pm for Number day! We look forward to seeing you and sharing our Maths.

Our PE days this half term are Tuesday and Wednesday.  

Please could we ask that children come to school on these days wearing their correct PE kit– plain white t-shirt, plain black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms and their red school jumper.  Earrings need to be covered up or removed for PE lessons.

Pupils of the Week!

A big well done to our Pupils of the Week in Y3/4 this week.

2NS- Charlie for encouraging others to try their best in Maths lessons. Well done! 

2BH- the Pupil of the Week in 2BH is for always supporting her classmates and being helpful to others.

2CR- Clayton for helping and encouraging others to never give up in Maths! Well done!

Attendance Winners

A big well done to our Attendance Award winners in Y3/4 this week.

2NS- Lily-Rose for being in school every day with a smile on her face. Well done!

2BH- Harriet for coming to school every day with a smile on her face. Well done!

2CR- Isla B for having a super smile every day ready to start her learning! Well done!

Super spellers

Well done to the following children for scoring full marks on their spelling test this week:

2NS- Zara, Khadija, Rose, Kyon, Bowie, Darcie, Mansa, Charlie, George, Lily A, Evan, and Elissia!

2BH- Layla, Jace, Shyray, Maria, Judah, Willow, Annabel, Ariana, Jasmine, Esther, Harriet, Helen and Otis!

2CR- Isla, Ella, JJ, Ollie and Is’Haqq!

Times Table stars

Well done to the following children for scoring full marks on this weeks times table test:

2NS- Khadija, Bowie, Charlie, George, Lily-A, Evan and Elissia!

2BH- Layla, Jace, Shyray, Maria, Roman, Annabel, Ariana, Jasmine, Esther, Pixie, Everley, Harriet, Raania, Albie, Mika, Otis, Rhys, Luca, Tommy, and Isla!

2CR- A huge well done to everyone in 2CR!!


We would like to wish Isla B a huge happy birthday! We hope you have an excellent birthday!

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