Land Ahoy!
Part of your homework this half term is to create a piece of work based on our topic. We would like you to be as creative as you can be. You could:
- create a fact file on Captain James Cook
- design and make your own piece of artwork – ship / telescope
- create your own map of the world
- poster
- become Captain James Cook
You can draw, write, type, record, create, perform – anything you like as long as it tells us more about our topic Land Ahoy.
We would like your creations in by Wednesday 15th February so we can share and celebrate your work with our classes before the February holidays.
If you would like any help or materials, please just ask one of us. Work can be emailed to school or brought in.
Good luck everyone!
Miss Severs, Miss Stainthorpe & Mr Griffiths
Below you will find links to the Homework in your books and your weekly spellings 🙂