Welcome back and Happy New Year!
We have had a lovely first week back in school. The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning facts about the Stone Age linked to our new topic for this half term. In English, we have learned lots of new facts about the Stone Age by playing games like Bingo and Guess the Artefact. We have also been recapping key skills and vocabulary that will help us to write a Stone Age story over the next few weeks. On Thursday this week, the boys and girls enjoyed ‘No Pen Day’. We never picked up a pen for the whole day! We listen to a story on Now, Press, Play, made some beautiful cave paintings using pastels and did lots of drawing and singing. What a fantastic first week back!
Dates and notices
Our PE days this half term are Tuesday and Wednesday.
Please could we ask that children come to school on these days wearing their correct PE kit– plain white t-shirt, plain black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms and their red school jumper. Earrings need to be covered up or removed for PE lessons.
Tribal Tales
Our topic this half term is called Tribal Tales. The children will be learning about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. Below is some key information and vocabulary that we will be using in school.
Pupils of the week
A big well done to our Pupils of the Week in Y3/4 this week.
2NS- Well done to Ethan for always being a kind and caring friend. Well done!
2BH- Well done to Archie for having an excellent first week back in school. Well done!
2CR- Well done to Elsie for an excellent start to the new school term. Well done!