Week 5 done and dusted already! Time flies when you’re having fun 🙂
In English we have begun to revisit our knowledge of the subject in a sentence and its relationship to the verb. Identifying the verb in a sentence helps support us to find the subject by answering the question who/what performed the verb? Next week we will continue this learning further.
During our reading sessions we have immersed ourselves in the story ‘How to be brave’. As a class we were left on a huge cliff hanger and have been super intrigued to find out what is going to happen! We made some fantastic predictions and also some thoughtful connections to other books we have read.
Our Maths lessons have concluded our Addition and Subtraction learning by comparing calculations and finding missing numbers. We have learnt a number of strategies to choose from when solving these problems and that also helps us to check our answers. This week has also seen us complete our second KIRF check of the year. All children made some fantastic progress on their rounding skills and we look forward to seeing further rapid progress 🙂
We have continued to explore the life of Henry Bolckow in History and his impact on the modernisation and development of Middlesbrough. We have begun to design and lay out our amazing fact poster all about him, his life and his achievements ready to write up the information we gathered during our rearch last week.
Congratulations to our Pupils Of The Week!
In 2DJ – Chloe Kiss for being a great role model and always willing to be friends to all.
In 2HS – Musa for always being kind and friendly to all of his peers.
Attendance Superstar
In 2DJ – Nancy for improved attendance this week!
In 2HS – Caesar for improved punctuality by being on time and ready to learn every day for 2 weeks!
Multiplication Quiz
For Scoring a whopping 20/20 in their Times Tables Quiz this week, lets congratulate:
Elizabeth, Aston, Ruben, Grace, Zara, Subhan, Chloe, Hizar, Shanaya G, Isha, Alex, Ioseph, Musa A and Toyah!
Eager Readers!
A huge congratulations to Alex, Eva, Harry, Hazel, Isabella, Jack, Musa A, Rumaysaa, Edith, Georgie, Grace, Hizar, Isha, Subhan, Toyah and Zara for reading at least 3 times at home this week. Your teachers are super impressed with your dedication 🙂
A special mention to Riley, Leo, Mason and Shahzaib for reading 5 times!!
Spelling Star
Fourth spelling test of the year ( ____tial ) and a fantastic effort from all!
With an astounding 10/10, a huge well done to: Edith, Georgie, Leo, Musa, Subhan, Elizabeth, Musa A, Alex, Harry, Shanaya G, Rayan, Chloe and Lewis.
Happy Birthday!
There are no birthdays in Year 5 this week , however we wish all the other children with birthdays a fantastic birthday!
We hope you have had a fantastic week celebrating 🙂