Welcome to our reading page. Here you will find lots of tips to support reading at home as well as what is going on in school. We’ll also be sharing story time with different staff members each half term. You can cuddle up and get cosy, whilst enjoying a story at home.
Reading at home
Reading and sharing books at home is hugely beneficial for your child. Research has shown that children who read regularly, and are frequently read to, will make significantly more progress than children who don’t. We want children to learn to love reading and to read for pleasure. Is there anything nicer than snuggling up with your child and a great story?
Tips for reading at home:
All of our children will bring a book home each night. This could be a sharing book for our younger children. This is a book to read together. Look at the pictures, ask about the characters and have a chat about what is happening and what they like about the story. Some children will bring home their accelerated reader book. This book, they should be reading independently however reading aloud to an adult is a great way to develop their understanding of different texts. Below are some ideas to help develop the reading skills we work on in school.
Story time
Below are some stories from our staff. Please get cosy and enjoy them with your child. If you have any favourites you’d like us to read, please let your child’s class teacher know.
Reading Round up – Autumn One
Each half term, we’ll share a round up of what has been going on with reading at Newham Bridge. Keep your eyes peeled for exciting news about World Book Day in March 2025 coming soon!