Welcome to Newham Bridge Primary School Nursery and welcome to our new, refurnished nursery.
Nursery Staff Team Mrs Hilton – Nursery teacher Mrs Bell – Nursery Support The nursery team recognise the importance of giving our children the best start to their education and place great value on the development of our children as individuals. Our new nursery has been designed to help the needs of our children and support each individual to achieve their full, unique potential. We believe in creating a strong partnership with parents and carers, warm and positive relationships with staff and children and in establishing consistent routines across EYFS.
EYFS Curriculum
Your child will learn through a wide variety of experiences and will follow the 7 areas of the EYFS curriculum. This sets the standards for the learning, development, and care of your child. These areas are crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive, to ensure children are ready for their next stage in their school journey. These three areas, the prime areas, are:
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
We also support children in four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied. The specific areas are:
*Expressive Arts and Design *Literacy *Mathematics *Understanding the World
Our New Nursery

Important Notices
Session times
Morning Session Doors open 8.30am -8.45am to 11.15am-11.30am Afternoon Session Doors open 12.15pm – 12.30pm to 3pm – 3.15pm
If nursery door is closed after the times of dropping and collecting your child please go to the office.
When dropping off and collecting your child please do not park in the staff car park or in front of the gates on Cayton Drive .
School Uniform

We encourage Nursery children to wear the same uniform as the rest of the school so they feel part of our wonderful Newham Bridge family. This includes:
- Red jumper or cardigan
- Grey skirt or trousers
- White shirt / t-shirt
- Black shoes or trainers (no laces please)
- A suitable coat (for all weather)
- If your child wears earrings, they need to be studs (no hoops)
- Please label your child’s clothing
We advise your child to bring a small bag to include spare clothing. If you child is still toilet training, also include wipes and pull ups.
Nursery children will have the opportunity to use the school hall to develop their physical development. Your child can come to nursery wearing:
- A white polo tshirt and red jumper / cardigan
- Black plain joggers or leggings
- Plimsols or black trainers
- No earrings
Morning session – Wednesday Afternoon session – Friday
Starting dates have been staggered to allow new starters time to settle in. If you are unsure of your child’s start date, please contact the office. Should you child need help to settle on their first day, you are very welcome to accompany them into the classroom and stay for a short while. Thereafter, please be assured we will do everything we can to settle your child and make them happy and comfortable in their new environment.
Please ensure that nursery staff know who will be collecting your child. This information should be provided and will be recorded with staff. The password will need to be provided and passed onto adults collecting. Those who collect must be over 18 years old. If we are unsure who your child is being collected by (if not yourselves) then your child will not be handed over until we have checked with office.
In nursery we celebrate Star of the week, 100% attendance each week, shared reading and provide your child with many stickers.
Mrs Hilton and Mrs Bell can’t wait to share the new nursery with you all and look forward to seeing you all and beginning new adventures. Have a lovely weekend!